Marvel Studios’ Black Panther (Target Blu-Ray Exclusive Content)
Publisher: Disney Home Entertainment
Released: May 15, 2018
“Wakanda is the most amazing place in the world, and I’m not just saying that because it is my home. The Golden City, our capital, lies hidden deep within the jungles of Africa. Most people have never seen it—and we prefer it that way. Through the use of a giant hologram, we Wakandans have shielded our great city from the view of passing aircraft and global satellites, basically since our nation’s inception.”
Within the the Blu-Ray keep case sold exclusively at Target for Marvel Studios’ Black Panther is a small booklet that introduces various Wakandan history, city, and technological advances, as told by the character Shuri. This publication includes concept art and behind-the-scenes photography from the film to further enhance the published text.
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